Friday, August 12, 2016

Yuichan's Birth Story

I know I don't post on my blog very often but when I do its because something important happened that I want to remember and share with y'all! As many of you know Kenny was at training until 4 days before Yui's due date. So during that time I was praying baby girl would not come early! I worried so much about her coming before dad came home I never even thought of the possibility of her coming late. Well she listened to my prayers a little too well, her due date came and went. I was planning a hypnobirth in the birthing center at the hospital, which is a no intervention room, no IVs, no medications, basically it's a home birth in the hospital setting. Once we started creeping up on 42 weeks the birthing center was no longer an option because overdue is considered high risk. We were given the option of using a low intervention room, which still allowed monitoring but less than labor and delivery. An induction was scheduled but I was trying everything I could to go into labor on my own, I literally tried EVERYTHING!! July 14th came around and the hospital called us and told us to be there at 6am. I still really did not want pitocin because I knew it would make my contractions more painful and harder to go natural. So I asked if they could just break my water and see if that started labor. So they broke my water at 7am and then we started the walking. Two and a half hours later they checked me again and I was still at a 1+, absolutely no progress. So I gave in and they started the pitocin. Contractions started and they wet coming consistently every 2-3 minutes, at noon they checked me again and no progress. I decided it was time to relax in the bath because the contractions were getting more and more intense. I labored in the bath for 4 hours, it was wonderful! The heat from the water eased the pain and helped me breath through each contraction. Around 4pm I decided to get out and have them check my progress. The minute I got out of the tub I realized out much the bath helped ease the pain, I wanted to jump back in the water but I needed to be checked. So I breath through the pain the best I can while waiting to be checked. At this point I've been having regular contractions for 10 hours, I was expecting them to tell me I was at about a 5 or 6 and it wouldn't be much longer. She checked me and hesitantly told me I was still at a 1+.... I died a little inside at that news. She left the room and I turned to Kenny and told him, call her back in here I need the drugs. She came back and started giving me options of different pain medications they offer, knowing I was trying to go natural then gave us a minute to discuss. The second she left I told Kenny I wanted the epidural and I didn't even consider the other options. At 5pm the anesthesiologist arrived and I could care less about the size of the needle. I hardly even noticed him place the epidural and within 10 minutes I was completely numb. The rest of the night the nurse came in every hour and turned me from one side to the other and every time she did I threw up. I also got the shakes really bad so clearly I wasn't able to sleep. Kenny was so good to me through all this, I am just so glad her was there. My sisters, mom, mother in law and sister in law all came and went during the day, bring us food, pillows, blankets and movies, they were all such amazing help! By 10pm my shakes had calmed down and they checked me again and finally progress!! I was at a 4! After that we tried to get some rest, Kenny easily fell asleep on the couch while I struggled with the stupid blood pressure machine going off. At 1am she told me I was dilated to an 8 and that we would start pushing soon! That was music to my ears! I wake up Kenny and tell him the news and he says "are you lying?" Why would I lie about that? My mom and sisters show up about 1:45, tired but excited! After a bit more waiting the nurse told me we would start pushing at 3am! The doctor arrived at 3:30 and baby girl was born at exactly 4am! Apparently she had pooped during labor and it caused her have a hard time breathing, I was not able to do direct skin to skin, in fact I didn't even see what she looked like before they rushed her over to the corner of the room and the respiratory therapist came in and suctioned out her lungs. It was very scary but my amazing doctor was very calm and reassuring. My sisters and Kenny all kept saying how beautiful and perfect she was and I was very anxious to hold her. About 10-15 minutes later they finally brought over this amazingly perfect baby girl and my life changed forever. She is absolutely perfect and Kenny and I are completely in love with her! 

 Once we got her home and settled we had to have babies first photoshoot <3

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Healthy wife happy life :)

Wow, I haven't blogged since Kenny and I got married! That was about a year and a half ago now, crazy how time flies! So this post is going to be about what I have learned this year about my health. Last holiday season I gained over 10 lbs and was not happy about it. So in January Kenny and I got a gym membership together and started going 4-5 times a week. After about 5 months of going I noticed I felt stronger but I didn't notice any physical changes. I was also tired All. The. Time. I couldn't stay awake during a movie no matter how early we started it. It was very hard for me to wake up for work in the mornings. I had a fever of 99.5 or higher every single day and had a headache about 4-5 days a week. Some days I would also get what I called "cloudy brain" where I was so fatigued that I couldn't think straight. There was one time that I drove into our storage door (its still broken) and I didn't even care, I just backed up, walked inside and laid on the couch till Kenny got home. It was getting worse so finally I went to see a doctor, I had a huge panel of blood work done, a brain and sinus CT done and an abdominal ultrasound. The only thing that was found was I had a lot of sinus congestion due to severe grass allergies. The Celiac panel came back low, meaning I don't have have celiac disease but I could have an intolerance. The blood test isn't definitive the only test that is was a colonoscopy and I just would rather not... So I did an experiment, I decided to go completely gluten free for one week. After that one week I felt soooo good! No more headaches, no more fatigue, I stayed awake for a whole movie! Kenny was in shock after that haha. No more fevers, no more cloudy brain (Kenny was happy about that because after the door incident I also scratched his truck on a pole during one of my cloudy brain episodes... Oops :) he was very loving and understanding through all this). After being gluten free for just one month I lost the stubborn 10 lbs I was trying to lose for months! Eating gluten free is hard, let me just write a list of everything that has gluten.

  • Bread
  • Pasta
  • Tortillas
  • Oatmeal
  • All cereals (except Chex mix)
  • Cake
  • Brownies
  • Cookies
  • Pie (basically all deserts.... yeah its terrible)
  • Soup (every kind of Campbell's soup, they use it as a thickener)
  • Great Value - everything (Great value brand mass produces in the same factory so everything cross contaminates, so they can't claim anything to be gluten free) 
  • The sacrament - I have to bring special rice cakes 

 So as you can see its kinda a life change, but honestly, it is so worth it to me! I feel so much better! I know Kenny is happier too because I am not so moody and tired all the time, he is so good to me :). Side note, I noticed that when we were in Japan I wasn't having the symptoms as bad, probably because their main foods are rice and meat, where as in America its breads and meat, I also only saw one obese person in Japan the whole 2 weeks I was there, just something to think about.
Do I miss breads, pasta and deserts? Yes!!! But I would much rather have a good quality of life than be able to eat whatever I want.

Life is good, I am happy, I have a wonderful husband, the church is true and God is good. Thanks for listening 😘

Also I have red hair now! Woot woot thanks Evan! 

Saturday, July 6, 2013


Time to play catch up! So after that amazing trip to OK I had to get back to reality.. School started again and I went back to work. In May I finished my Advanced EMT course at Dixie State University and became a licensed AEMT, (I don't currently work as one right now but eventually I will). I currently have two part time jobs at Central Utah Clinic and Quest Diagnostics as a Phlebotomist. Kenny went to his Advanced Individual training and immediately excelled, he became top in his class for his PT (personal training) score and became Student 1st (assistant to the platoon Sargent). May 9th of 2013 Kenny finally got home!!! What an amazing day! 5 months without him was enough I wasn't about to let him out of my sight :)

The next three weeks went by in a blur as we hurried to get everything ready for the wedding, from moving in to our soon to be home to taking toooonz of pictures. We took pictures together of Kenny in his suit and me in my dress, they turned out sooooo perfect!! Here are some of my favorites! 

I believe this was right after Kenny bit me hahaha

Photo Credit: Tayli Stowers
Yellow Sparrow Photography

We had a blast every minute of planning the wedding, I may have had a few mental breakdowns during the weeks before the wedding but Kenny was always there to calm me down. May 25th I had the opportunity to take out my endowments in the St. George Temple. It was such an amazing day! My younger brother Skyler was there with me for the first time as well, he is now on a mission in Eugene Oregon. Kenny told me I had a deer in the headlights look the whole day but I still enjoyed every minute! Having Kenny there with me was incredible.

 Finally Saturday June 1st arrived. Getting ready that morning I was stress free and just as excited as a little kid on Christmas eve! About 15 minutes before the time I was supposed to be at the temple I realized I still had to get dressed and drive to the temple so I had a little moment of panic/stress. I made it there on time and the sealing was absolutely perfect! So many of our AMAZING family members and dear friends made it and the love and spirit in there was perfect! After that, more pictures... Haha we had a blast getting those silly pictures in :) So many family members traveled soooo far to be there we felt so blessed! Kenny's grandma even flew in from Japan to be there!

I feel so blessed to now be apart of this amazing family!

I want to thank these two for raising the man of my dreams.  

 My Darling little brother Kwade

My amazing wonderful beautiful family!! 
Hahhaa Jovi is waiting for a smooch! 

My girls!! 

I love how Mia is just standing all alone hahha love you sis! 

Hahaha they were such good sports with all the pictures! Love them all! 

Grandpa Mayhew

Kenny and his best man.. They kill me! hahhaha
My Boys!

Photo credit Dan Fowlks 
Cypress Rock Productions

The food at the luncheon was soooooo good thanks to Kenny's mom Mari the luncheon was beautiful!! The video below is the video/photo montage we watched at the luncheon, as well as the wedding day footage. Huge thanks to my brother in law Dan Fowlks and brother Skyler Sorensen for putting that together, it was soooo well done and turned out perfect! The reception in a word was PERFECT, absolutely everything went perfect! At least from my end... Not sure if anything went wrong with the people who put it all together but it didn't show if it did! I serisouly felt so loved and blessed to have so many people around me willing to do anything and everything for us to make our day special.